Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Paul Gleason died on the 28th from lung cancer occuring from asbestos exposure. He was unforgettable as the principle in "The Breakfast Club" Especially the lines, "If I have to come in here again, I'm cracking skulls!", "What is all that rukus?" and "Don't mess with with the bull, young man. You'll get the horns!" Those are the ones still rattling around in my head. I cannot count how many time I've seen that movie.

We had a crockpot sunday and made chicken fajita soup. It was rainy (again)! Prince Rufus kicked our ass at Clue. After that we said, screw the weather and got out of the house anyway.

J. and Prince Rufus at the fish hatchery

katie 049

Top of the picture is the old one way bridge.

katie 031

Prince Rufus
katie 020


katie 048


katie 052

5 random things about me:

I love strawberries
I have a birthmark on my thigh
I dance like a puppet whenever I run into a spiderweb
My computer is a Gateway
I cried when I watched "AI" at the theater


Sunday, May 28, 2006

It's a crockpot Sunday. I'm making Southwestern Fajita Chicken Soup. 3 hours to go, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
My son kicked everyones ass at Clue yesterday.

Maybe we will play Jenga later.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

My son who's nickname is Prince Rufus is going to the movies with his cousin and friends. He's in 6th grade. He asked me to go and informed me that they were taking the bus. I had a feeling of dread and was about to say no, which would have turned into Prince stomping off to his room slamming the door, and turning his PS2 system up way to loud. The reason the bus thing freaks me out is because I remember what I use to do when I took the bus to go skating or to the movies. We would be downtown starting trouble. I also remember the exhilerating feeling of freedom. Sometimes I would leave the skating rink early to go hang out at places I wasn't suppose to be at. Anyway I said yes to the Prince and Jimmy DROVE them there. He stopped off so they could buy some candy and soda to sneak in. Everyone seemed happy with this. Baby steps....

As everyone who listens to the news knows, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes welcomed a baby girl into the world yesterday. They named her Suri. Hebrew meaning "princess and Persian meaning "red rose".
I heard somewhere that he was going to eat the placenta. It's probably not true, but if it is...yuck, no way, enjoy lunch Tom, I'm ordering a cheese pizza.


cheese pizza (kidding)
chicken lasanga and cottage cheese

Monday, April 17, 2006


What do these people have in common? A person can't help but hearing or reading things about scientology thanks to celebs such as Tom Cruise, Kelly Preston, John Travolta to name a few. So exactly what is scientology? If any of you asked yourself this, there is a web-site that will answer all the burning questions. It's called Operation Clambake and it has the inner secrets of scientology.

Easter was at my sister's house. It was a barbecue, with potato salad, guacomole burgers, hot dogs, and Boca Burgers for those who prefer to go meatless, which is my sister and me. We don't eat much meat, but we cook it for our families....the carnivores! I love Boca Burgers. They are so easy to grill.The first time I had a meatless burger was 11 years ago at Red Robins. I ordered their Garden Burger and it was so gross!!! After that I was skeptical until I tried Boca. Enough about that though. The kids hunted easter eggs filled with money, my son collected the most making $8.00. After leaving my sisters house we drove to Tacoma and made it back home before daylight.....enough time to get the kids to come down off their suger high and get ready for bed.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bored With Dick and Jane

Mark Anthony looks like he's been stranded on an island all week.

"Fun"? With Dick and Jane? No, I was bored with Dick and Jane. What a waste of a free rental. The movie had its moments but they were far and few in between. Or is it inbetween? *sigh* Where was I? Oh yeah, maybe I'm just getting tired of Jim Carrey and his same routine. I'd like to see him in a horror flick. Maybe more of a subtle character.

I'm tired, I could not sleep last. We have a neighbor who drives a semi and he warms it up every morning at 4:00am. I was lying there awake with I'm sure was bloodshoot eyes when he started it today. Sometime after that I fell asleep and woke up at 7:15.

The kids were sweet, they already had the coffe made when we got up, I wanted to drink the whole pot while Jimmy was gone driving them to school.

I have no clue

First Entry

My son came home from his grandmothers today in a great mood. Sometimes he'll come home with a surly hormonal attitude. I think he's excited about our new cat. In other news, my 8 year old daughter threw up in the middle of the night. Yuck! It must have been the corndogs.