Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Paul Gleason died on the 28th from lung cancer occuring from asbestos exposure. He was unforgettable as the principle in "The Breakfast Club" Especially the lines, "If I have to come in here again, I'm cracking skulls!", "What is all that rukus?" and "Don't mess with with the bull, young man. You'll get the horns!" Those are the ones still rattling around in my head. I cannot count how many time I've seen that movie.

We had a crockpot sunday and made chicken fajita soup. It was rainy (again)! Prince Rufus kicked our ass at Clue. After that we said, screw the weather and got out of the house anyway.

J. and Prince Rufus at the fish hatchery

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Top of the picture is the old one way bridge.

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Prince Rufus
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katie 052

5 random things about me:

I love strawberries
I have a birthmark on my thigh
I dance like a puppet whenever I run into a spiderweb
My computer is a Gateway
I cried when I watched "AI" at the theater


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