Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bike parts

Hey, hey! Yesterday afternoon I took my son to the motorcycle shop to get a back tire for his CR80. When we went into the back tire room I inhaled deeply. Ahh rubber and bike parts!

"It smells good in here" I sighed.

The salesman just looked at me and grinned.

Is it wrong to love the smell of fumes, oil, rubber, jerseys and bike parts? Is there something wrong with me?

14 Biggest Game Myths Debunked!--Pretty eye-opening. Common misconceptions about the game industry are debunked. Every video game consumer should read this!

Study: Spinal Cord Can Repair Itself ---U.S. scientists say they have disproved the long-held theory that the spinal cord is incapable of repairing itself.

Over 1000 People Show Up For Giant Pillow Fight in San Francisco-Over 1000 people showed up tonight at Justin Herman Plaza in San Francisco for a giant pillow fight. Scott Beale of Laughing Squid shot a bunch of photos and will be linking to more photos and video that others shot as they are posted...

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