6 weird things or habits:
1. I like to jump on top of my cat and annoyingly say "midnight midnight midnight" as fast as I can, it's soothing. Not so much for Midnight though.
2. My hand writing changes with my moods.
3. My desktop is always spotless, inside my desk is a whole other story.
4. I've never lived in one place for over 5 years.
5. Once when I was alone, I spent the whole entire weekend watching a "Real World" marathon on MTV. Never left the house.
6. When I was 17, while dining at "The House of Hong" located in the international district of Seattle, I ate a fried 'chickens foot'.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
This household has made it without cable TV for over one year now. However we didn't do it without cheating. We have aquired DVD box-sets. Like:
The Soprano's 4 and 5th seasons
Nip/Tuck season 2
The Office 1st season
Big Brother
Dave Chapelle Show
24 sesason 4
Lost season 2
So those have kept us busy. But not up to date. I'm so far behind. I'm missing the latest Survivor. We are throwing around the idea of getting cable again. I just don't want to see the kids so zombied out on it like they use to be. I know its all about moderation, so we'll see....
Favourite *Action* Films? | |
1. | Point of No Return |
2. | Terminator 2 |
3. | Indiana Jones |
4. | Kill Bill |
5. | Goodfellas |
Favourite *Comedy* Films? | |
1. | There is Something About Mary |
2, | The Graduate |
3. | Breakfast at Tiffany's |
4. | Airplane! |
5. | Clerks |
Favourite *Thriller* Films? | |
1. | The Silence of the Lambs |
2. | The Sixth Sense |
3. | Seven |
4. | Kalifornia |
5. | 12 Monkeys |
Favourite *Family* Films? | |
1. | Jurassic Park |
2. | Jumanji |
3. | Old Yeller |
4. | Willow |
5. | ET |
Favourite *Sci-Fi* Films? | |
1. | Matrix Trilogy |
2. | Star Wars |
3. | Blade Runner |
4. | Alien |
5. | Planet of the Apes |
Favourite *Horror* Films? | |
1. | The Exorcist / The Shining |
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com |
Monday, April 23, 2007
OUT, out
"Did we go out at all last month?" I ask my husband. I usually have a memory like a steel trap, and I don't recall getting out last month. 'getting out' haha I say it like I'm breaking out of prison 
He closes his eyes thinking..."No" he says slowly, " I think we went out to dinner for our birthdays, but not OUT, out."
I think I may need a break, and I don't mean a night at the symphony and at the same time I also don't mean a 'Britney Spears' night either, with the runny mascara smeared all over my face, tramping all over town with my gross party sweat, while showing the world my lack of underwear.
Isn't she cute? I have some photos like that.
I just need a rated-R night, without the kids. One where the hubby and I get to hang out with other adults, play poker, swear, tell off color jokes, maybe go out dancing, talk loud and have some drinks.
Catching a concert sounds like fun too. Or maybe hanging out at Pioneer Square in Seattle. I'll be checking in with different venues to see what's going on where in the next couple weeks.
Until then, I am a work at home employee, part-time chauffer, cook, nurse, dog bathing, mom who wouldn't want it any other way.
These champagne glasses grew on me,

My husband calls them "The Cat in the Hat" champagne glasses.
They were given to me by my sister, she had regifted them to me because she absolutely hates the stems.
I'm saving them for a time when I'll have a 'Mexican' themed party with festive music and everyone will want champagne instead of margaritas and tequila. When that times comes, I'll have the perfect glasses.
Probably not going to happen. But I do have them just in case.
My journal one year ago today "Fake Bake Junkie"
He closes his eyes thinking..."No" he says slowly, " I think we went out to dinner for our birthdays, but not OUT, out."
I think I may need a break, and I don't mean a night at the symphony and at the same time I also don't mean a 'Britney Spears' night either, with the runny mascara smeared all over my face, tramping all over town with my gross party sweat, while showing the world my lack of underwear.
Isn't she cute? I have some photos like that.
I just need a rated-R night, without the kids. One where the hubby and I get to hang out with other adults, play poker, swear, tell off color jokes, maybe go out dancing, talk loud and have some drinks.
Catching a concert sounds like fun too. Or maybe hanging out at Pioneer Square in Seattle. I'll be checking in with different venues to see what's going on where in the next couple weeks.
Until then, I am a work at home employee, part-time chauffer, cook, nurse, dog bathing, mom who wouldn't want it any other way.
These champagne glasses grew on me,
My husband calls them "The Cat in the Hat" champagne glasses.
They were given to me by my sister, she had regifted them to me because she absolutely hates the stems.
I'm saving them for a time when I'll have a 'Mexican' themed party with festive music and everyone will want champagne instead of margaritas and tequila. When that times comes, I'll have the perfect glasses.
Probably not going to happen. But I do have them just in case.
My journal one year ago today "Fake Bake Junkie"
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Saturday was spent at the baseball field for my son's jamboree. He hit a double, caught a couple pop fly balls and scored everytime he was up to plate, so that was cool. While he played, the munchkin made repeated trips to the always popular concession stand and came home with a tummy ache. Here's a list of what she consumed:
One hotdog
3 chocolate chip cookies
a pack of sunflower seeds
It might have been the Pepsi/Gatorade mix
, but next time she'll eat before we leave the house.

One thing that has been going on around here is Midnight's huffy attitude every since I forgot to drain the tuna can into his food bowl. Most of the time he is such a gentleman and sweetheart. But the other night I was wanting to turn on my PS2 and he wasn't having it, and sometimes he scares me when he looks at us like this.

That awful day when I made the tuna fish sandwiches and forgot to drain the juice in his bowl, he got pissed off and jumped on a shelf and was deliberately looking at me while knocking stuff down. He can get this mean calculating expression.
Most of the time he makes me laugh because I'll come into a room and see him doing this.....
or this........

and a lot of times this!

Wonder how long it takes for a cat to forgive?
One hotdog
3 chocolate chip cookies
a pack of sunflower seeds
It might have been the Pepsi/Gatorade mix
One thing that has been going on around here is Midnight's huffy attitude every since I forgot to drain the tuna can into his food bowl. Most of the time he is such a gentleman and sweetheart. But the other night I was wanting to turn on my PS2 and he wasn't having it, and sometimes he scares me when he looks at us like this.
That awful day when I made the tuna fish sandwiches and forgot to drain the juice in his bowl, he got pissed off and jumped on a shelf and was deliberately looking at me while knocking stuff down. He can get this mean calculating expression.
Most of the time he makes me laugh because I'll come into a room and see him doing this.....
or this........
and a lot of times this!
Wonder how long it takes for a cat to forgive?
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
VT massacre
In the aftermath of the VT massacre it didn't take long for everyone to start playing the "blame game" and point fingers. I've heard it all, some say it's video games, others say lack of gun control, music, society, bad parenting, the teachers. So who or what is to blame? Because there is plenty of blame going around.
This is who's fault I think it is....
You know, Cho Seung-Hui, the shooter.
Sometimes a person is just plain bad. Rotten to the core. I mean what kind of video games was Hitler playing when he decided to kill Jews? What type of music was King Henry the VIII listening to before he had his wives beheaded?
They were evil, plain and simple.
This is who's fault I think it is....
You know, Cho Seung-Hui, the shooter.
Sometimes a person is just plain bad. Rotten to the core. I mean what kind of video games was Hitler playing when he decided to kill Jews? What type of music was King Henry the VIII listening to before he had his wives beheaded?
They were evil, plain and simple.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Move it Katie!
"Come on, outta the way Katie" I say. Last night I was trying to go down the stairs and she was laying at the bottom like a lump. She wouldn't move. (My dog)
"Hey lazy get up! I'm not tripping over you!" She's not suppose to be sleeping there anyways.
My husband switches on the light. "Who are you talking too?"
I look down. "I guess I'm talking to the backpack"
Yep it wasn't Katie, but my nephew's backpack.
It was dark.
"Hey lazy get up! I'm not tripping over you!" She's not suppose to be sleeping there anyways.
My husband switches on the light. "Who are you talking too?"
I look down. "I guess I'm talking to the backpack"
Yep it wasn't Katie, but my nephew's backpack.
It was dark.
Maserati Red PS3
Holy crap! Last last week a $12,100 winning bid yielded the world's only Maserati Red PS3.
The 60GB version features everything you would find on the normal black version, only this one comes with two red wireless controllers too.
Man, some idiot must have a lot of money sitting around. Maybe I should paint ours and throw it up on Ebay .
I'm thinking that it's possible that this could be a hoax by two friends. One the seller and the other the buyer.
The 60GB version features everything you would find on the normal black version, only this one comes with two red wireless controllers too.
Man, some idiot must have a lot of money sitting around. Maybe I should paint ours and throw it up on Ebay .
I'm thinking that it's possible that this could be a hoax by two friends. One the seller and the other the buyer.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Last time I was married (18), I threw away all my love letters from childhood thru high school, therefore proving my love for my new husband.
In the end I regretted it. Not the marriage but throwing out pieces of my life and links to my childhood and teen years.
Later on in life at a time when I was single, I did it again. But on my terms, the idea was that I was purging myself and shouldn't think of the past. Once again, I ended up kicking myself. What's wrong with my past? Or for that matter, memories? Good or bad?
Now that I'm married again, even if they are tucked away out of sight in a dusty corner I'm wondering if its appropriate to have them around? Jim tossed out everything that reminded him of his ex before we were married.
Famous Love Letters:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - October 17, 1790
King Henry IV of France - June 16, 1593
King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn - 1528
King Henry VIII - c.1528
John Keats - March 1820
John Keats - (1795 - 1821)
John Keats - Kentish Town, 1820
Catherine of Aragon - 1535
Lord Randolph Churchill - August 1873
Winston Churchill - January 23, 1935
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Maybe it's the rainy weather, or maybe it's because I can't find my wedding ring and that our car is still stuck in PT. It could be that this morning 'The Battle Axe' emailed me saying that the numbers I sent her were wrong. She needs the 6 digit number on the tickets. There is only ONE number on these tickets and its EIGHT digits. She didn't believe me and I had to fax her the tickets so she could see with her own freaking eyes that the numbers are in fact 8 digits. Now maybe I can get paid. Stupid shit like that bothers me and has put me in grumpy state of mind. I took a shower and I don't feel like I took a shower, I hate that. This feeling isn't going away, in fact if I won the lottery today I would still find something to bitch about.
I don't know what I'm capable of doing today. So I'm going to save my family from me. After I finish with myspace, I'm calling it a day and I'm gonna lock myself up in my cozy room with a bag of pretzels and play 'God of War2' until this feeling passes. You know, for the sake of the family.
001. When's the last time you ran?I don't know what I'm capable of doing today. So I'm going to save my family from me. After I finish with myspace, I'm calling it a day and I'm gonna lock myself up in my cozy room with a bag of pretzels and play 'God of War2' until this feeling passes. You know, for the sake of the family.
002. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
Yeah I have a pair or two.
003. What are you dreading right now?
Loaded question!
004. Do you celebrate 4/20?
No I'm not celebrating "pothead" day
006. Favorite ice cream?
Cherry Almond Fudge and Cherry Garcia
007. When was your last doctor's visit?
Last September
008. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
I try.
010. "First Loves Are Never Over;" is this true for you?
Nope, there are reasons my ex's are ex's.
011. Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back?
See last answer
012. If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would they find you wearing?
Boxers and a tee
013. Do you own a pair of Converse?
Not anymore.
014. Who did you copy and paste this survey from?
015. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
I have
016. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
When I was younger,I've smacked a vending machine a few times out of desperation after it took the last of my money.
017. Don't you hate when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
Well most stations do that.
018. Do you watch Trading Spaces?
Not for awhile.
019. How do you eat oreos?
020. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
No way, believe it or not, I have what's called a life.
021. Are you cocky?
No just convinced.
022. Could you live without a computer?
Of course, although I've had a computer since I was 15 so it would take some major adjustments.
023. Do you wear your shoes in the house?
No, Japanese style, I like very clean floors.
024. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
Forth grade
025. How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
026. What do you do when you're sad?
Drink some wine and mope..... play video games
027. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
My lawyer! Just kidding, probably Jim and then I would want to keep it quiet for awhile before I told anyone else.
028. How do you like your eggs?
Egg whites only or poached
029. Is anyone on your bad side right now?
A few people I don't care for...but I rarely think about them anyway.
030. What jewelry are you wearing?
Don't wanna talk about it.
031. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check email and then check the Net Nanny.
032. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
033. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
I do, his shirts smell good.
034. Where do you work?
035. What are you doing tomorrow?
Road trip and dinner
036. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
Who cares?
037. Your favorite restaurant you don't get to eat much at?
Cusina De-Ra in Seattle (Belltown) the dining room looks directly at the Art Museum's sculpture park.
038. How do you eat your steak?
I don't.
038. Do you return your cart?
Yes, good exersize.
039. Do you have a dishwasher?
You bet!
040. What noise do you hear?
Jim opening the refridgerator and shuffling around.
041. Next concert you hope to go to?
Hoped to see Modest Mouse, but thats not going to happen :-(
042. What was the last thing you ate?
Frozen strawberries
042. Who is the youngest in your family?
The munchkin
043. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
044. How many shoes do you own?
about 20
045. What service is your cell phone?
Verizon ripoff
046. What's for dinner?
We are having breakfast for dinner tonight, omelettes
047. What's the last thing you purchased?
Gum, blank DVD discs and stamps
048. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
Yeah, we take turns.
049. What brand are your pants right now?
Boring but comfy Gap pants.
050. Ever been to Wyoming?
I've lived in Shoshoni, Wyoming
051. Did you have breakfast this morning?
A cinnamon apple waffle and half a small container of Yoplait
052. Do you like marshmallows?
They're okay.
053. What irritates you most on the internet
Spam, phishing and those dumbass bullitines that say you'll have bad luck if you don't repost.
054. What brand is your digital camera?
Canon and Vivitar
055. What song best describes your life right now?
The TV show theme from the Courtship of Eddy's Father.
056. Do you like sushi?
Vegetable rolls and Temaki yum!
057. Do you go online everyday?
Almost, some weekends I take a break.
My journal one year ago......
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I wrote an entry yesterday, but I accidently erased it and didn't have enought time to type it out again. So now I will try this again for the 2nd time.
Easter was fun, The Munchkin oohed and awwed over her colorful basket of goodies, then we drove over to my dads, about a 45 minute drive, picking Andrew up on the way there. The food was delicious.
The downside of Easter is that we left my dads house without our car, and for the stupidest reason ever. A car alarm nightmare. Our freaking car alarm went off and disabled the ignition. Its an after factory alarm and we could not find the override switch. After throughly searching the car, we tried unlocking and locking the doors, putting the key in the ignition, looked under the hood etc.
It lets out this shrieking piercing sound, loud enough to make a persons ears bleed. It's a quiet neighborhood. So yeah, my dads neighbors hate us now. We managed to find the alarm fuse and yanked it out to make the noise stop, but we still need to figure out how to disarm the alarm so we can start the car. *sigh* It's probably something really really simple. So simple that we will undoubtly feel like boneheads after this is all sorted out.
There is some light at the end of this tunnel, because yesterday we went back to try and get the car running and I found the name of the security company where the alarm was made and we also located the model number under the dash. It's CODE-ALARM. There is an 800 number we can call today during business hours. So instead of standing around and scratching our heads we'll get some answers today. Cheap answers I hope.
You Grew Up Playing Shoot'em-Up Games. Why Can't Your Kids?
You grew up playing gory shoot'em-up video games, and loving it. But are you gonna let your kids play them?
Would you read your own blog?
If you wouldn't read your own blog, then no one else will either, so they say.
TV Shows That Should Never Have Been Cancelled
A list of shows that should have never been givin the axe.
5 Reasons George W. Bush Isn't As Stupid As You Think
Yes, it's tongue-in-cheek humor, but there's some pretty scary logic here. Has he been deceiving us all this time?
Easter was fun, The Munchkin oohed and awwed over her colorful basket of goodies, then we drove over to my dads, about a 45 minute drive, picking Andrew up on the way there. The food was delicious.
The downside of Easter is that we left my dads house without our car, and for the stupidest reason ever. A car alarm nightmare. Our freaking car alarm went off and disabled the ignition. Its an after factory alarm and we could not find the override switch. After throughly searching the car, we tried unlocking and locking the doors, putting the key in the ignition, looked under the hood etc.
It lets out this shrieking piercing sound, loud enough to make a persons ears bleed. It's a quiet neighborhood. So yeah, my dads neighbors hate us now. We managed to find the alarm fuse and yanked it out to make the noise stop, but we still need to figure out how to disarm the alarm so we can start the car. *sigh* It's probably something really really simple. So simple that we will undoubtly feel like boneheads after this is all sorted out.
There is some light at the end of this tunnel, because yesterday we went back to try and get the car running and I found the name of the security company where the alarm was made and we also located the model number under the dash. It's CODE-ALARM. There is an 800 number we can call today during business hours. So instead of standing around and scratching our heads we'll get some answers today. Cheap answers I hope.
You Grew Up Playing Shoot'em-Up Games. Why Can't Your Kids?
You grew up playing gory shoot'em-up video games, and loving it. But are you gonna let your kids play them?
Would you read your own blog?
If you wouldn't read your own blog, then no one else will either, so they say.
TV Shows That Should Never Have Been Cancelled
A list of shows that should have never been givin the axe.
5 Reasons George W. Bush Isn't As Stupid As You Think
Yes, it's tongue-in-cheek humor, but there's some pretty scary logic here. Has he been deceiving us all this time?
Monday, April 09, 2007
Dear Kim
A letter to Kim, not that he can read this, I doubt he gets online and surfs the net when we aren't home.
Dear Kim (The Fearless),
You and your brother were brought into our family almost 8 months ago! Wow, time has flown. You're a lot bigger now. Back then we named you Kimmie, a cute little girls name, because ahem, well, we thought you were a girl for the longest time. Must have been those huge beautiful eyes of yours. Then came the stunning revelation from your vet that you were in fact a boy. Your not the kind of fellow to hold a grudge and we were quickly forgiven. Thereafter your name was shortened to "Kim". You were probably asking your brother in a deep voice, "Dude! Why do they keep calling me a she?"
You love Christmas
and especially love getting in trouble with the Xmas tree.

You are very close to your brother. Although you two are total opposite in personality you guys love hanging out together.
You love Christmas
You are very close to your brother. Although you two are total opposite in personality you guys love hanging out together.
Now about being the total opposite of your brother, you are the more laid back one.
You are forever curious and are not afraid of anything. You try to play with the dogs next door, walking right up to them. You bring in prizes you've caught in from outside. Thank-you.
You don't move for anyone, like when your laying in the doorway and I need to close the door, so I nudge you with it, you just lie there totally unaffected. So then I have to pick you up and move you.
You love your toys and like to sleep with them. The printer has always been a curiosity to you, man, you can watch that thing run forever. A few times you tried to grab some sheets of paper and stick your furry paw inside, but a firm no stopped you. Didn't want you to get hurt!
Your favorite human is Cortney, you love her the most. You sleep on her bed and let her pack you around. You won't let anyone else do that. You adore the sound of her voice and get excited and call out to her when she comes in from school. Sure you let us pet you, but you don't follow us around like you do her.
Backing up a little, as I said before, you are fearless. Not afraid of anything. I admire that about you. You are a terrific kitty to have around and have grown into a very handsome cat
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