A letter to Kim, not that he can read this, I doubt he gets online and surfs the net when we aren't home.
Dear Kim (The Fearless),
You and your brother were brought into our family almost 8 months ago! Wow, time has flown. You're a lot bigger now. Back then we named you Kimmie, a cute little girls name, because ahem, well, we thought you were a girl for the longest time. Must have been those huge beautiful eyes of yours. Then came the stunning revelation from your vet that you were in fact a boy. Your not the kind of fellow to hold a grudge and we were quickly forgiven. Thereafter your name was shortened to "Kim". You were probably asking your brother in a deep voice, "Dude! Why do they keep calling me a she?"
You love Christmas
and especially love getting in trouble with the Xmas tree.

You are very close to your brother. Although you two are total opposite in personality you guys love hanging out together.
You love Christmas
You are very close to your brother. Although you two are total opposite in personality you guys love hanging out together.
Now about being the total opposite of your brother, you are the more laid back one.
You are forever curious and are not afraid of anything. You try to play with the dogs next door, walking right up to them. You bring in prizes you've caught in from outside. Thank-you.
You don't move for anyone, like when your laying in the doorway and I need to close the door, so I nudge you with it, you just lie there totally unaffected. So then I have to pick you up and move you.
You love your toys and like to sleep with them. The printer has always been a curiosity to you, man, you can watch that thing run forever. A few times you tried to grab some sheets of paper and stick your furry paw inside, but a firm no stopped you. Didn't want you to get hurt!
Your favorite human is Cortney, you love her the most. You sleep on her bed and let her pack you around. You won't let anyone else do that. You adore the sound of her voice and get excited and call out to her when she comes in from school. Sure you let us pet you, but you don't follow us around like you do her.
Backing up a little, as I said before, you are fearless. Not afraid of anything. I admire that about you. You are a terrific kitty to have around and have grown into a very handsome cat
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