Stuff thats going on:
Lots of baseball stuff. Yesterday the munchkin had a game and hit the ball 4x, all singles and came in for a score everytime.She's pretty dramatic about it though. Everytime shes on deck, she waits until after her 2nd strike to hit the ball. The suspense!
Later on we all played baseball at another field, just goofing around. I hit the ball backwards over the backstop and onto a busy street, oops.
Also lately we have been eating healthier. So yesterday I made some healthy oat bran pancakes. Then I thought they would be really good with pre-sweetened strawberries and I thawed out some frozen ones. Then one of the kids got out the whip cream.
They didn't look very healthy anymore. Somewhere under all of that is the healthy oat bran pancakes.
Hmm what else? Oh, remember the freaking car alarm fiasco on Easter? Well we had finally decided to just have the car towed back here (50 dollars), and the very next morning Jim figured it out. It was something really stupid. BUT, the car is in motion and running again, that's the important thing.
Other things:
I still haven't found my wedding ring
Some good stuff:
A few days ago I joined a tennis club, really looking forward to that. They just raised $23, 231 and counting towards new tennis courts.
I'm throwing around the idea of getting a job outside the house.
I finally beat Marvel's Ultimate Alliance.
72% of Troops Want Out of Iraq, 29% Now!
Google scrambles to restore deleted homepages
Why are there so few women on digg?
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