Another week has passed me by. Last Saturday we went to a Cheer for a Cure benefit. $10.00 a plate (not bad), they were serving a choice of spaghetti or linguini alfredo. After dinner the girls performed a cute interactive show followed by raffle drawings and a silent auction.
Now think red and white checkered tables, live music, plastic bibs, corn on the cob, cups of melted butter... and crab. Put these together and you get The Dungeness Crab and Seafood Fest.I don't like crab. It's smelly, they scream when they're cooked, yeah I know, it's just steam. Cracking their shells open with pliers freak me out. I've tried to like crab, it looks like messy fun. People wearing plastic crab bibs while gorging themselves with gusto. It's a hands on affair and ettiquette flies right out the window. Cortney can eat her weight in crab. She ordered a half crab dinner for $15.00 and Jim ate crab cakes. I was content with my glass of chardonnay. Unfortunately Andrew couldn't join us because he was at his dads for the weekend.
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